Onna Therapy Pedicure Kit
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Travel kit with everything you need for a perfect pedicure.
1 unit Foot Scrub 250ml
1 unit Foot Soap 200ml
1 unit Foot and Leg Emulsion 250ml
1 unit Heel Repair Cream 150ml
Step 1
Introduce warm water into your pedi spa by adding about 15ml of "Citric & Ginger Bubble" foot soap, alternatively introduce "Mint Bang" foot fizz balls into your pedi spa container for 5-10 minutes.
Step 2
Rub both feet with "Hygienic Rain" antiseptic. This helps to prevent odour and sanitise the area to be treated. Examine the foot to visualise possible problems, calluses, corns, corns, athlete's foot, fungus, etc.
Step 3
If necessary, remove the nail polish with nail polish remover. Ask the customer for desired length and shape. Cut and shape the nail.
Step 4
To remove cuticles, apply Sweet Grape (cuticle remover) to each nail. Gently push the cuticles back, using the foot paddle, an ideal method to finish softening calluses on the heel and pad of the foot. Firmly buff away dry skin and calluses on the foot. Perfect the edges of the skin. Be sure to disinfect the tool after each service.
Step 5
Apply a small amount of "Lime Shake" foot scrub. Massage a circular motion vigorously over the surface of the foot. Remove any excess product by dipping the foot back into the warm foot spa bath.
Step 6
To repair heels and dry skin apply a small amount of "Banana Repair" and/or "Mandarin Ice Cream". For maximum absorption, wrap the foot in a warm towel and allow the product to penetrate for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the same steps on the other foot.
Remove all traces of oils and lotions from the nail with Alcohol before performing the nail polish service.
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